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Soap Dish Recessed Soap Dish Soap Dish with Drain
Soap Dish
Our Price: $11.28
Recessed Soap Dish
Our Price: $16.08
Soap Dish with Drain
Our Price: $17.25
S-3010-SS  Soap Dish S-2611-SS - Recessed Soap Dish - Satin Stainless Steel S-4910-SS - Soap Dish with Drain Holes - Surface mounted with #4 Satin Finish.
Soap Dish without Drain Recessed Soap Dish - Bright Polished Finish Heavy Duty Toothbrush Holder and Soap Dish
Soap Dish without Drain
Our Price: $17.25
S-4911-SS - Soap Dish without Drain Holes - Surface mounted with #4 Satin Finish. S-2611-BS - Recessed Soap Dish - Bright Polished Stainless Steel S-4018-SS - Heavy Duty Toothbrush Holder and Soap Dish
Heavy Duty Toothbrush and Tumbler Holder Recessed Soap-Grab Brass and Stainless Soap Dish with Drain
Recessed Soap-Grab
Our Price: $28.96
S-4019-SS - Heavy Duty Toothbrush and Tumbler Holder S-2614-SS - Recessed Soap-Grab - Satin Stainless Steel S-4810 - Brass and Stainless Soap Dish with Drain Holes
Brass and Stainless Soap Dish without Drain Recessed Soap-Grab Bright Polished Finish Heavy-Duty Liquid Soap Dispenser
S-4811 - Brass and Stainless Soap Dish without Drain Holes S-2614-BS - Recessed Soap-Grab - Bright Polished  Stainless Steel S-0125-SS - Heavy-Duty Liquid Soap Dispenser provides a wide selection of stainless steel surface-mounted soap dishes and recessed soap dishes from which to choose. Soap dishes are available in both polished brass and brushed satin finishes. Add an upscale look to institutional applications by selecting the stainless soap dish accented with a brass flange.